Model Element |
Description |
Force_Contact defines a 2-D or 3-D contact force between geometries on two rigid bodies. Each body is characterized by a set of one or more geometries which can be a 3D mesh or a 2D curve. Whenever any geometry on the first body penetrates any geometry on the second body, contact normal and frictional forces are generated. The normal force tends to repulse motion along the common normal at the contact point. The frictional force tends to oppose relative sliding velocity at the contact point. The contact force vanishes when the geometries no longer intersect. |
Format |
<Force_Contactid = "integer"[ label = "integer" ][ full_label = "string" ]num_i_graphics = "integer"i_graphics_id = "integer_list"num_j_graphics = "integer"j_graphics_id = "integer_list"master_surface = { "I" | "J" | "I_and_J" | "AUTO" }enable_sphere_to_mesh = {"TRUE" | "FALSE" }contact_stability_2d = "real"{cnf_type = "POISSON"penalty = "real"restitution_coeff = "real"normal_trans_vel = "real"|cnf_type = "IMPACT"stiffness = "real"exponent = "real"damping = "real"dmax = "real"|cnf_type = "VOLUME"i_elastic_modulus = "real"j_elastic_modulus = "real"i_layer_depth = "real"j_layer_depth = "real"exponent = "real"damping = "real"|cnf_type = "USERCNF"cnf_param_string = "USER( [[par_1 [,...][,par_n]] )"cnf_fnc_name = "string"{ cnf_dll_name = "string"|script_name = "string"interpreter = { "PYTHON" | "MATLAB" }}}{cff_type = "COULOMB_ON"mu_static = "real"mu_dynamic = "real"stiction_trans_vel = "real"friction_trans_vel = "real"|cff_type = "COULOMB_DYNAMICONLY"mu_dynamic = "real"friction_trans_vel = "real"|cff_type = "COULOMB_OFF"|cff_type = "USERCFF"cff_param_string = "USER( [[par_1 [,...][,par_n]] )"cff_fnc_name = "string"{ cff_dll_name = "string"|script_name = "string"interpreter = { "PYTHON" | "MATLAB" }}}{cpost_param_string = "USER( [[par_1 [,...][,par_n]] )"cpost_fnc_name = "string"{ cpost_dll_name = "string"|cpost_script_name = "string"cpost_interpreter = "PYTHON"}} |
Attributes |
id |
Element identification number (integer>0). This is a number that is unique among all Force_Contact elements and uniquely identifies the element. |
label |
The name of the Force_Contact element. This argument is optional. |
full_label |
The full label of the Force_Contact element. This attribute is typically populated by MotionView as per the model hierarchy. This argument is optional. |
num_i_graphics |
Specifies the number of Post_Graphic elements on the first body that are to be considered in evaluating the contact force. num_i_graphics > 0. |
i_graphics_id |
This is the list of the Post_Graphic element IDs on the first body to be considered for contact. The number of IDs in this list is specified by num_i_graphics. Note: All the Post_Graphic entities must belong to the same body. |
num_j_graphics |
Specifies the number of Post_Graphic elements on the second body that are to be considered in evaluating the contact force. num_j_graphics > 0 |
j_graphics_id |
This is the list of the Post_Graphic element IDs on the second body to be considered for contact. The number of IDs in this list is specified by num_j_graphics. Note: All the Post_Graphic entities must belong to the same body. |
master_surface |
Specifies which surface should be used as the master surface while calculating the penetration depth, point of contact, contact normal etc. You can choose from: I: The geometry specified for the first body is the master. J: The geometry specified for the second body is the master surface. I_AND_J: Both the geometries for the first and second bodies are used as master surface alternatively and the result is summed up. AUTO: Let MotionSolve decide which geometry to use as the master surface. This is the default option and is also the recommended option. |
enable_sphere_to_mesh |
Specifies whether MotionSolve should use an analytical description for sphere geometries defined in i_graphics_id or j_graphics_id. Choose from TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE. See Comment 1 for more details on usage. |
contact_stability_2d |
Specifies a stability value that is used when calculating the contact point and penetration depth in 2D curve contact. The default value for this parameter is 0.1. See Comment 10 for more details. |
cnf_type |
Specifies whether the POISSON, IMPACT, VOLUME or user defined (USERCNF) force model is to be used for calculating the contact normal force. A contact force is computed as a function of the penetration between the intersecting geometries defined for the contact. In other words, as the geometries intersect, a repulsive force is generated which is based on the type of contact selected. For more details on the different contact force models available in MotionSolve, please see Comment 2. |
penalty (POISSON) |
Specifies the stiffness parameter that is used to calculate the spring force. A large value for penalty permits only a small penetration between the two contacting geometries; a small value permits a larger penetration. Consider using a penalty value that is as small as possible, but still captures realistic deformation, to improve solver performance. penalty > 0 |
restitution_coef (POISSON) |
Defines the coefficient of restitution (COR) between the geometries in contact. This is used in the computation of the contact force. A value of zero specifies perfectly plastic contact meaning that the two bodies coalesce after contact. A value of one specifies perfectly elastic contact. No energy is lost in the collision and the relative velocity of separation equals the relative velocity of approach. COR = (relative speed after collision)/(relative speed before collision) 1 > restitution_coef > 0 |
normal_trans_vel (POISSON) |
Defines the velocity limit between the two bodies at which full damping is applied in the contact force. If unset by the user or set to 0, MotionSolve initializes it to 1. See Comment 4 for more details on this parameter’s use in the damping force. |
stiffness (IMPACT) |
The stiffness parameter of the contact; this is the same parameter as found for the IMPACT function. A large value for stiffness permits only a small penetration between the two contacting geometries; a small value permits a larger penetration. This parameter must be non-negative. Consider using a stiffness value that is as small as possible, but still captures accurate deformation, to improve solver performance. stiffness > 0 |
exponent (IMPACT) |
The exponent of the force deformation characteristic of the contact interface. For a stiffening spring characteristic, it must be greater than 1.0 and for a softening spring characteristic, it must be less than 1.0. exponent > 0 |
damping (IMPACT) |
The maximum damping coefficient. It must be non-negative. damping > 0 |
dmax (IMPACT) |
The penetration at which full damping is applied. It must be a positive number. dmax > 0 |
i_elastic_modulus (VOLUME) |
Specifies the elastic modulus for the geometries belonging to Body I for the Volume force model. The value of this elastic modulus can be derived from the Bulk and Shear Modulus of a material. See Comment 5 for more details on how this is calculated. i_elastic_modulus > 0 |
j_elastic_modulus (VOLUME) |
Specifies the elastic modulus for the geometries belonging to Body J for the Volume force model. The value of this elastic modulus can be derived from the Bulk and Shear Modulus of a material. See Comment 5 for more details on how this is calculated. j_elastic_modulus > 0 |
i_layer_depth (VOLUME) |
Specifies the size of the layer depth for the geometries belonging to body I. See Comment 5 for an explanation on how this parameter is used to calculate the contact stiffness. i_layer_depth > 0 |
j_layer_depth (VOLUME) |
Specifies the size of the layer depth for the geometries belonging to body I. See Comment 5 for an explanation on how this parameter is used to calculate the contact stiffness. j_layer_depth > 0 |
exponent (VOLUME) |
The exponent of the force deformation characteristic of the contact interface. For a stiffening spring characteristic, it must be greater than 1.0 and for a softening spring characteristic, it must be less than 1.0. exponent > 0 |
damping (VOLUME) |
The coefficient of damping used to calculate the damping force for the VOLUME force model damping > 0 |
cnf_param_string (USERCNF) |
Specify a list of parameters that are passed from the data file to the user written subroutine, CNFSUB. |
cnf_dll_name (USERCNF) |
Specifies the path and name of the shared library containing the contact force calculation subroutine. MotionSolve uses this information to load the user subroutine in the library at run time. |
cnf_fnc_name (USERCNF) |
Specifies an alternate name for the contact normal force subroutine, that is other than CNFSUB. |
script_name (USERCNF, USERCFF) |
Specifies the path and name of the user written script that contains the routine specified by cnf_fnc_name or cff_fnc_name. |
interpreter (USERCNF, USERCFF) |
Specifies the interpreted language that the user script is written in. Valid choices are MATLAB or PYTHON. |
cff_type |
Specifies the friction force model that will be used to compute the contact friction force. Choose from "COULOMB_ON", "COULOMB_OFF", "DYNAMIC_ONLY" or “USERCFF”. cff_type = "COULOMB_ON" specifies that friction forces are to be calculated and applied at the contact location. MotionSolve uses the Coulomb model for friction force. See Comment 7 below. cff_type = "COULOMB_OFF" specifies that frictional forces are not calculated or applied at the contact location. Friction is turned off. cff_type = "COULOMB_DYNAMICONLY" specifies that only the dynamic friction is active. See Comment 7. cff_type = "USERCFF" specifies that a user defined friction force model is to be used. |
mu_static |
Defines the coefficient of static friction when the friction is in the static regime. MotionSolve uses a step function to transition between the static and dynamic friction regimes. See Comment 7 for more details. mu_static > 0 |
mu_dynamic |
Defines the coefficient of dynamic friction when the friction is in the dynamic regime. MotionSolve uses a step function to transition between the static and dynamic friction regimes. See Comment 7 for more details. The coefficient of dynamic friction is smaller than or equal to the coefficient of static friction. mu_static > = mu_dynamic > 0 |
stiction_trans_vel |
The velocity at which the friction regime transitions to stiction. See Comment 7 for more details. |
friction_trans_vel |
The velocity at which the friction regime transitions to friction. See Comment 7 for more details. |friction_trans_vel| >= |stiction_trans_vel| |
cff_dll_name (USERCFF) |
Specifies the path and name of the shared library containing the contact friction sub subroutine. MotionSolve uses this information to load the user subroutine in the library at run time. |
cff_fnc_name (USERCFF) |
Specifies an alternate name for the contact normal force subroutine i.e. other than CFFSUB. |
cff_param_string (USERCFF) |
Specify a list of parameters that are passed from the data file to the user written subroutine, CFFSUB. |
cpost_dll_name |
Specifies the path and name of the shared library containing the contact post sub subroutine. MotionSolve uses this information to load the user subroutine in the library at run time. |
cpost_fnc_name |
Specifies an alternate name for the contact post subroutine i.e. other than CONTACTPOST. |
cpost_param_string |
Specify a list of parameters that are passed from the data file to the user written subroutine, CONTACTPOST. |
cpost_interpreter |
Specifies the interpreted language that the user script is written in. Currently, only Python is supported as an interpreter for the CONTACTPOST subroutine. |
cpost_script_name |
Specifies the path and name of the user written script that contains the routine specified by cpost_fnc_name. |
Comments |
Using a 3D representation: This geometrical representation of the body is termed a graphic for that body. MotionSolve relies on a collision engine to detect intersection or penetration between two graphics. To do this, the collision engine requires the graphics to be meshed using triangular elements. A meshed graphic is a set of interconnected triangular elements. This is illustrated in the figure below:
MotionSolve prescribes certain conditions for the meshed representation of a body’s graphic(s). These conditions must be met to generate realistic contact forces. These are:
For more information on these rules, please refer to the help topic Best Modeling Practices for 3D Contacts in the MotionSolve User's Guide. Graphics for rigid bodies may be defined in many ways:
To force MotionSolve to use a meshed representation of the sphere geometry, you can specify enable_sphere_to_mesh to be FALSE. This way, MotionSolve will mesh the primitive sphere geometry and use the meshed representation of the sphere to compute the contact related quantities.
More complicated shapes can be defined in a CAD package and imported to MotionSolve using the Import CAD Tool in MotionView. Please see Import CAD or FE for more information on how CAD geometry can be meshed using this tool. Alternatively, you may also use HyperMesh to mesh your CAD graphics. Using a 2D representation: MotionSolve also supports contact between two curves that represent two rigid bodies. 2D curve graphics can be specified by referencing a Post_Graphic of type = ”CURVE”. Using 2D curve-based contact can be advantageous over 3D mesh-based contact when:
There may be several advantages of simulating rigid body contact using 2D curves over 3D tessellated geometry:
As with 3D mesh-based contact, certain restrictions apply:
Note: 2D curve contact uses a smooth representation of the specified curves which is independent of the nseg specified in Post: Graphic.
The normal force computed in the POISSON, IMPACT and VOLUME methods consists of two components: an elastic spring force and a dissipative damping force. Each method has its own way of computing these forces, described in the subsequent comments.
Note:For a coefficient of restitution = 0, when the two bodies are colliding head to head, and dz/dt > vnorm_trans, then the damping force is equal to the spring force, and the total contact normal force is zero. In this model, the energy loss is modeled with a coefficient of restitution. Table 1 lists the coefficient of restitution for some materials. Contact is assumed to be between like materials, for example, Brass-Brass, Steel-Steel, and so on.
The VOLUME model assumes that both the colliding bodies are surrounded by a layer of springs whose stiffness is determined by the material’s elastic modulus properties and the depth of this layer. The individual stiffness for each body (I and J) is calculated as where,
The equivalent contact stiffness is calculated assuming that the springs for body I and J are in series: Note: The equivalent stiffness calculated above has units of Force per cubic length. The VOLUME force method utilizes the contact area and penetration depth to retrieve the contact force in Newton (or the model unit for force). The elastic modulus M (sometimes also called P-wave modulus) for both the bodies in contact is calculated using the Bulk and Shear Modulus of their respective materials. These can be specified in the Contact panel in MotionView. The elastic modulus is calculated as where,
The Bulk and Shear Modulus for homogenous, isotropic materials can be calculated from the Young’s Modulus and Poisson ratio as
Both the elastic modulus and layer depth determine the value of the equivalent contact stiffness. Since for a given material, the elastic modulus is typically a constant value, you may change the layer depth to obtain an appropriate penetration in your model. For example, assume that two steel bodies are in contact. For steel (G = 160GPa, K = 79GPa), M = 292.33GPa. If you specify the layer depth to be 100mm, the contact stiffness is ~1.461E+03 N/mm3. If you reduce this layer depth by a factor of 10, i.e. 10mm, the contact stiffness goes up by a factor of 10 i.e. ~1.461E+04 N/mm3. The VOLUME force model thus lets you derive the contact stiffness from physical material properties of the colliding bodies.
Figure 2: Hertzian contact stiffness for two spherical objects Hertz theory is developed using static load cases. The stiffness is a function of the material properties of the two bodies in contact as well as the geometry at the contact patch. The stiffness coefficient is shown in red. Assume that two steel balls are in contact. The radii of the steel balls are 30mm; the Young’s modulus for steel is 200 GPa; Poisson’s ratio for steel is 0.3. Using the formula shown above, the stiffness coefficient for contact is: K = 1.7945E+10 N/m = 1.7945E+07 N/mm This should be considered a starting point for the penalty or stiffness value. You may need to tune this parameter, as high values of stiffness can degrade the performance of the solver. However, you may find that you are able to allow a smaller penalty, and thus more penetration, and still capture the overall system behavior.
For the first approach, the friction force at the contact patch is computed in the same manner for POISSON, IMPACT and VOLUME force models. The Coulomb friction law is used which models the friction force as a coefficient of friction multiplied by the normal force. The coefficient of friction is modeled as a function of the slip velocity. The frictional force is modeled as a viscous force according to the following equations: where,
Figure 3 illustrates the functional relation between coefficient of friction and slip velocity The red curve depicts the full friction model covering all three regimes: static, transition to sliding friction, and sliding friction. This is the friction model applied when you select cff_type = "COULOMB_ON". The blue curve depicts the friction model covering only the sliding friction regime. This is the friction model applied when you select cff_type = "DYNAMICS_ONLY".
Figure 3: Coefficient of friction as a function of slip velocity The blue curve depicts the full friction model covering all three regimes. These are:
This is the friction model applied when you select cff_type = "COULOMB_ON". The red curve depicts the friction model covering only the sliding friction regime. This is the friction model applied when you select cff_type = "DYNAMICS_ONLY".
Debugging Tips
Alternatively, you can turn on the “zero crossing” action for the contact sensor in the Contact panel in MotionView. By doing this, MotionSolve will attempt to determine the moment of first contact more accurately which may alleviate this problem. For more information on this sensor, please refer to the documentation for Sensor_Event.
LimitationsThe current implementation of Force_Contact has some limitations.
Example |
The image below demonstrates an epicyclic gear train that is used in a child’s toy. When the child cranks the sun gear, the other gears rotate. The gear train consists of two contacts: one between the Sun gear and the Planet gear, and a second between the Planet gear and the Ring gear. The gears are made out of copper, and some oil is used to lubricate the system.
Figure 4: An epicyclic gear train used in a child’s toy The Force_Contact statements for this example are shown below. The system is modeled in SI units. The first contact is between the Sun gear and the Planet gear. <Force_Contact id = "1" num_i_graphics = "1" i_graphics_id = "82" num_j_graphics = "1" j_graphics_id = "92" cnf_type = "POISSON penalty = "1E6" restitution_coef = "0.52" cff_type = "COULOMB_ON" mu_static = "0.08" mu_dynamic = "0.05" stiction_trans_vel = "0.005" friction_trans_vel = "0.01" />
The second contact, shown below, is between the Planet and the Ring gears. <Force_Contact id = "2" num_i_graphics = "1" i_graphics_id = "93" num_j_graphics = "1" j_graphics_id = "73" cnf_type = "POISSON" penalty = "1E6" restitution_coef = "0.52" cff_type = "COULOMB_ON" mu_static = "0.08" mu_dynamic = "0.06" stiction_trans_vel = "0.005" friction_trans_vel = "0.0l" /> For a more detailed example, see the tutorial MV-1010: Contact Simulation using MotionSolve. |
Model Element |
Description |
CONTACT defines a 3-D contact force between geometries on two rigid bodies. Each body is characterized by a set of one or more geometries. Whenever any geometry on the first body penetrates any geometry on the second body, a contact normal and frictional force are generated. The normal force tends to repulse motion along the common normal at the contact point. The frictional force tends to oppose relative sliding velocity at the contact point. The contact force vanishes when the geometries no longer intersect. |
Declaration |
Attributes |
id |
This is a number that is unique among all CONTACT elements and uniquely identifies the element. |
The name of the CONTACT element. This argument is optional. |
This is a list of the GRAPHICS element IDs on the first body to be considered for contact.Note All the GRAPHICS entities must belong to the same body. |
This is a list of the GRAPHICS element IDs on the second body to be considered for contact.Note All the GRAPHICS entities must belong to the same body. |
Specifies whether the POISSON, IMPACT, VOLUME, or USER defined force model is to be used for calculating the contact normal force. A contact force is computed as a function of the penetration between the intersecting geometries defined for the contact. In other words, as the geometries intersect, a repulsive force is generated which is based on the type of contact selected.If TYPE is not specified or equal to zero, the IMPACT contact force model will be used. |
The stiffness parameter of the contact; this is the same parameter as found for the IMPACT function. A large value for stiffness permits only a small penetration between the two contacting geometries; a small value permits a larger penetration. This parameter must be non-negative. Consider using a stiffness value that is as small as possible, but still captures accurate deformation, to improve solver performance. |
The exponent of the force deformation characteristic of the contact interface. For a stiffening spring characteristic, it must be greater than 1.0 and for a softening spring characteristic, it must be less than 1.0. |
The maximum damping coefficient. It must be non-negative. |
The penetration at which full damping is applied. It must be a positive number. |
Specifies the stiffness parameter that is used to calculate the spring force. A large value for PENALTY permits only a small penetration between the two contacting geometries; a small value permits a larger penetration. Consider using a penalty value that is as small as possible, but still captures realistic deformation, to improve solver performance. |
Defines the coefficient of restitution (COR) between the geometries in contact. This is used in the computation of the contact force. A value of zero specifies perfectly plastic contact meaning that the two bodies coalesce after contact. A value of one specifies perfectly elastic contact. No energy is lost in the collision and the relative velocity of separation equals the relative velocity of approach.COR = (relative speed after collision)/(relative speed before collision) |
Specifies the friction force model that will be used to compute the contact friction force. Choose from "ON", "OFF", "DYNAMICS_ONLY"."ON" specifies that friction forces are to be calculated and applied at the contact location. MotionSolve uses the Coulomb model for friction force."OFF" specifies that frictional forces are not calculated or applied at the contact location. Friction is turned off."DYNAMICONLY" specifies that only the dynamic friction is active.If FRICTION_FUNCTION/ FRICTION_ROUTINE is specified it will be used instead of the previous selected method. |
Defines the coefficient of static friction when the friction is in the static regime.MotionSolve uses a step function to transition between the static and dynamic friction regimes. |
Defines the coefficient of dynamic friction when the friction is in the dynamic regime.MotionSolve uses a step function to transition between the static and dynamic friction regimes. The coefficient of dynamic friction is smaller than or equal to the coefficient of static friction. |
Defines the slip velocity at which the static coefficient of friction, MU_STATIC, is applied. |
Defines the slip velocity at which the dynamic coefficient of friction, MU_DYNAMIC, is applied. |
Specifies the elastic modulus for the geometries belonging to Body I for the Volume force model. The value of this elastic modulus can be derived from the Bulk and Shear Modulus of a material. |
Specifies the size of the layer depth for the geometries belonging to body I. |
Specifies the elastic modulus for the geometries belonging to Body J for the Volume force model. The value of this elastic modulus can be derived from the Bulk and Shear Modulus of a material. |
Specifies the size of the layer depth for the geometries belonging to body I. |
Specifies which surface should be used as the master surface while calculating the penetration depth, point of contact, contact normal, and so on. You can choose from:“I”: The geometry specified for the first body is the master. “J”: The geometry specified for the second body is the master surface.“IANDJ”: Both the geometries for the first and second bodies are used as master surface alternatively and the result is averaged.“AUTO”: Let MotionSolve decide which geometry to use as the master surface. This is the default option and is also the recommended option. |
Specifies which collision engine should be used for contact detection. Choose from "AUTO", "OPCODE" or "PCM". |
Specifies the path and name of the shared library containing the contact force calculation subroutine. MotionSolve uses this information to load the user subroutine in the library at run time. |
Specifies the path and name of the shared library containing the friction force calculation subroutine. MotionSolve uses this information to load the user subroutine in the library at run time |
The list of parameters that are passed from the data file to the user defined subroutine. The user defined subroutine CNFSUB is used. |
The list of parameters that are passed from the data file to the user defined subroutine. The user defined subroutine CFFSUB is used. |
CommentsSee Force_Contact |
See Also:
Force_Contact Command Statement
The following MDL Model statements: