MotionView User's Guide

Bodies Panel - Center of Mass Coordinates Tab

Bodies Panel - Center of Mass Coordinates Tab

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Bodies Panel - Center of Mass Coordinates Tab

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The center of mass (CM) coordinates tab is used to define the center of mass of a body.


Bodies panel - CM Coordinates tab

If the CM coordinates are not explicitly specified, the center of mass coordinates of the body will be set to Global (the default setting).

Use center of
mass coordinate

Activate the check box to define the center of mass of a body.





Select the point at the location of the center of mass.



Refer to Methods of Orientation for a Coordinate System for additional information.

Note        This tab is not applicable for a deformable body.

MotionView creates an implicit marker - Marker CM belonging to the body.

When the Get Properties from associated Graphic(s) option is activated (in the Properties tab), this tab will be deactivated and the CM marker orientation will be aligned with the Global Frame.


See Also:

Markers Panel