MotionView User's Guide

Markers Panel

Markers Panel

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Markers Panel

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The Markers panel allows you to create and edit markers.  A marker is a coordinate system attached to a body that is used as a reference for applied loads and output requests.  To define a marker, you must specify the associated body, the origin of the marker, and the axes’ rules for the marker.


Markers panel




Define the body to which the marker is attached.


Define the location of the marker.

Orient two axes

Orient one axis

Orient by angles

Select the method of orientation.

X|Y|Z Axis

Select the orientation information for the axis.

Point 1

Vector 1


Point aligns the axis to a point.

Vector aligns the axis along a vector.

DxDyDz aligns the axis along explicit vector components.

Point 2

Vector 2


Point aligns the orientation of the plane using a point.

Vector aligns the orientation of the plane using a vector.

DxDyDz aligns the orientation of the plane using explicit components.


Specifies the plane to be oriented.


Allows you to view the direction cosines’ matrix for a coordinate system.

NoteIn MotionView, most entities that require orientation, such as bodies, joints, and bushings, have orientation rules directly linked to them; therefore, they do not require markers.
hmtoggle_plus1To add a marker to a system:
1.From the Project Browser, select the system to which the marker is to be added.
2.Right-click on a system in the Project Browser and select Add > Reference Entity > Marker from the context menu.


-Right-click on a marker folder in the Project Browser and select Add Marker from the context menu.


-Right-click the Markers button entityMarkers-24 on the Reference toolbar.

The Add Marker or MarkerPair dialog is displayed.

3.Assign a label to the marker.

The marker label can be changed at any time.

4.Assign a variable name to the marker.

The variable name is required and cannot be changed after it is defined.

5.Select Single to create an individual marker or Pair to create a marker pair.
6.Click OK.

The marker is added to the system.

hmtoggle_plus1To edit a marker:
1.Select a marker in the Project Browser.

The Markers panel is automatically displayed.

2.Select the Properties tab.
3.Under Parent:, click the Body collector and select the body to which you want to attach the marker.
4.Under Origin, click the Point collector and select the origin of the marker.
5.From the drop-down menu, select Orient one axes, Orient two axes, or Orient by angles.
6.Define the method of orientation for the marker.


See Also:

Methods of Orientation

Direction Cosines