HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Editing Panels

Editing Panels

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Editing Panels

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apply resultApplies a displacement result to the nodes.
check elemsVerifies the quality of elements. Checks warp, aspect, skew, angles, length, jacobian, connectivity, and duplicates.
config editChanges the configuration of existing elements.
convert Allows you to exchange some data between different solver formats
detachDetaches elements from adjoining elements.
deleteDeletes data from the database.
dependencyFinds nodes that have multiple DOF constraints.
distanceFinds the distance or angle between nodes.
edgesFinds free edges and equivalences nodes on edges.
edge edit Performs many edge-specific alterations.
edit elementBuilds, combines, and splits elements.
elem typesSelects and changes existing element types.
facesFinds free faces and equivalences nodes of solid elements.
featuresProvides a visualization tool to see the edges of a complex model.
findFinds entities (and IDs) in the database.
line editCombines lines, splits lines at a point, at a joint, at a line, or at a plane, and smoothes lines.
lengthDetermines the length of a group of selected lines.
maskMasks entities from the display list.
node editAssociates, moves, or places nodes on a surface.
normalsDisplays and adjusts the normal of elements or surfaces.
numbersDisplays the IDs of entities.
order changeChanges elements from first to second order, or vise versa.
penetration Checks groups for initial penetration problems.
permuteSwitches x, y, z data of entities.
positionPositions entities in space by selecting nodes.
project Projects entities to a plane, vector, or surface.
reflectMirrors entities about a plane.
renumberRenumbers entities.
replaceManually equivalences nodes.
rotateRotates entities about a vector.
scaleModifies the size of entities.
smoothImproves element quality on a surface mesh.
splitSplits elements into pre-defined patterns.
surface editTrims surface with lines or surfaces, split surface edges, create lines from surface edges, and remove trim lines.
translateMoves entities along a vector.