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Block Format Keyword

/SPRING - Spring Elements


Describes the spring elements. It used for modeling connection. The spring properties are apply on the local spring coordinate system.























hmtoggle_plus1Flag Definition




Part identifier of the block

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)


Element identifier



Node identifier 1 for spring



Node identifier 2 for spring



Node identifier 3 (optional)



Node identifier 4 (optional)



Node identifier 5 (optional)



Node identifier 6 (optional)


1.The identifier must be unique in each element family, but it is advised for each element type to have a unique element identifier in the global model.
2.More than one spring block can be used to define a part.
3.Any number of springs can be defined in one block.
4.Spring elements with /PROP/SPR_GENE may have a length equal to 0.
5.Spring elements with /PROP/SPR_PUL and /PROP/SPR_BEAM should have a non-zero length.
6.Spring element is defined with two nodes: node_ID1 and node_ID2 (see image below).

The plane XY is defined with the three nodes (node_ID1, node_ID2, and node_ID3); the third node, node_ID3 defines the Y direction also for the non-symmetric spring (/PROP/TYPE13).


7.The /SPRING card is also used to define /PROP/KJOINT2 joints. For each joint type, node_ID1 and node_ID2 are used to define the joint itself. node_ID1 must be attached to one rigid body and node_ID2 to another rigid body. These nodes can be non-coincident, but for better behavior of the joints, it is strongly advised to use initially coincident nodes. Optional nodes node_ID3, node_ID4 are used for definition of local coordinate systems on two sides of joint. Initially the coordinate systems are coincident. Behavior of the joint is determined by relative motion/rotation of these local coordinate systems.
8.For spherical and rigid joints only node_ID1 and node_ID2 are required. Local coordinate system of the joint is initially defined with node_ID1, node_ID3 and node_ID4 or with the global coordinate system (if node_ID3 and node_ID4 are node defined).


Spherical joint

9.For revolute, cylindrical, translational and planar joints, node_ID3 is used to define the first axis of the joint coordinate system. If node_ID3 is not specified, the axis of the joints is defined using the line between node_ID1 and node_ID2. In this case, the nodes should not be coincident.


Revolute joint Translational joint


Cylindrical joint Planar joint
10.For universal and free joints, node_ID3 and node_ID4 are used to define the first and the second axis of the joint coordinate system.


Universal joint

11.When joint properties are non-isotropic (not the same stiffness, friction or damping for each non-blocked DOF), a full definition of local coordinate systems is required. In this case the first axis of the local coordinate system is defined by node_ID3, the second axis of the local coordinate system is defined by node_ID4, and the third axis is computed automatically.
12.Both node_ID5 and node_ID6 are reserved for future use for new joints types

See Also:

Springs in User's Guide

Spring Element in Theory Manual

Example 5 - Beam Frame

Example 12 - Jumping Bicycle

Example 14 -Truck with Flexible Body

Example 16 - Dummy Positioning

Example 21 - Cam