Engineering Solutions

CFD Interface Overview

CFD Interface Overview

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CFD Interface Overview

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Engineering Solutions includes an application customized for CFD meshing, CFD shape optimization and other CFD tasks such as loads mapping. Native I/O support for AcuSolve, AFLR3, CFD++, CFX, FLUENT, and StarCD is available in the CFD application. Many other CFD solvers are supported through the CGNS format and the extended Nastran format (for pyramids).    

When you load the CFD application, the Utility tab contains many utilities for CFD meshing and associated tasks. The Utility tab contains two CFD specific sections: CFD Mesh and CFD I/O. Engineering Solutions has the CFD Tetramesh panel. This panel is intended to generate meshes for CFD applications. Typical meshes are of mixed type, and contain a combination of hexahedra, wedges/prisms/pentas, pyramids, and tetrahedral cells/elements.  


See Also:

Tips for StarCD

Tips for FLUENT

Tips for CFX

Tips for CFD Model Export

Multi-Domain Models Tips for FLUENT

Multi-Domain Models Tips for AcuSolve

CFD Utility Menu

Export/Import for CFD Solvers

Plane 2D Meshing from Edges

CFD Meshing in HyperMesh


HyperView User's Guide

HyperView Streamlines Panel



CFD-1000: Creating a Hybrid Grid using the CFD Mesh Panel

CFD-1100: Creating a Hybrid Grid with Varying Boundary Layer Thickness

CFD-1200: CFD Meshing with Automatic BL Thickness Reduction

CFD-1300: Plane 2D Meshing with Boundary Layers

CFD-1400: Wind Tunnel Mesh

CFD-1500: Hexcore Meshing with Boundary Layer

CFD-1600: Using Distributed Thickness for Varying Boundary Layer Thickness

CFD-1700: Mapping CFD Results

CFD-1800: Using Engineering Solutions, AcuSolve and HyperView to Perform a CFD Analysis

HS-1570: DOE and Optimization Study Using FLUENT

HS-1545: DOE and Optimization Study with HyperMesh, HyperStudy, and ANSYS CFX

HS-1535: Coupling HyperStudy, Morphing and AcuSolve (HyperStudy Job Launcher)