*realizeentity - Fields


The target entity type for realization. Valid values are nodes and elements.
The ID of the mark containing the target entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The type of field to realize.
Valid values are pressure, materialorientation, propertyid and table for realizing on elements.
Valid values are temperature, displacement and table for realizing on nodes.
The interpolation method. Valid values are forcebalancing, inversedistanceweighing, linearinteroploation, proximity, shapefunction, shapefunctionandproximity and triangulation.
Triangulation interpolation is valid for discrete fields only.
For shape function and proximity interpolation, initially it will map using shape function interpolation. Then for failed entities, it will map using proximity interpolation.
Force balancing is for mapping forces and is done using the OptiStruct solver.
The search radius for proximity interpolation or linear interpolation, or the normal distance tolerance for shape function interpolation (the distance from source to target entity along the normal of the source mesh).
If the search radius is 0, the nearest value will be taken for proximity or shape function interpolation.
The search radius for linear interpolation option must be > 0.
The ID of the mark containing the face nodes of target entities, when realizing on solid elements.
resultloadcases=<1 number_of_result_load_cases>
The list of load cases from result files, for which the field is to be realized. The parameters should be passed by using *createstringarray. The first parameter is 1 and the second parameter is the length of the string array. If all load cases and time steps are to be realized, then create the string array as *createstringarray 1 all.
The data types when realizing from result files. Examples may include Displacement, Grid temperatures, etc. Valid values are dependent on the particular result file.
The data component of the selected result data type. Examples may include Scalar value for temperatures, X, Y, Z for Displacement, etc. Valid values are dependent on the particular result file.
The CSV report path and file name for source and target entity mapping details.
The base surface ID associated with the elements or nodes for realizing parametric fields. All the target entities on mark should be associated with this surface.
minmaxnodes=<min_node max_node>
Used to modify the parametric position of the target mesh. This takes the node ID’s at the (0,0) and (1,1) parametric position.
This option is valid for realizing parametric field types only.
The ID of a cylindrical coordinate system to use for cyclic symmetry. This option is not valid for parametric fields or for realizing using linear interpolation.
The merge tolerance if the projected ta rget point on the source mesh is outside of the element. This is valid only for shape function interpolation or triangulation interpolation. The default if not specified is the global node tolerance.


Realize field field1 for property ID mapping on elements from a field having a source mesh, using proximity interpolation:
*createmark elems 1 all
*realizeentity fields name={field1} targetentitytype=elements mark=1 fieldtype=propertyid interpolation=proximity
Realize parametric field field2 for temperatures on nodes of surface 1579 having (0,0) parametric position at node 1 and (1,1) parametric position at 1000, using shapefunction interpolation:
*createmark nodes 1 1-1440
*realizeentity name={field2} targetentitytype=nodes mark=1 fieldtype=temperature surfaceid=1579 minmaxnodes={1 1000} interpolation=shapefunction
Realize field field3 on all nodes having result file name as curve_shell_nastran.op2, for subcase "SUBCASE 1" and time steps of the selected subcase {Time =0.140000, Time=0.020000 and Time=0.0220000}:
*createmark nodes 1 all
*createstringarray 2 "curve_shells_nastran.op2;{SUBCASE 1}" "{Time = 0.020000} {Time = 0.140000} {Time = 0.220000}"
*realizeentity fields name={field3} targetentitytype=nodes mark=1 fieldtype=temperature interpolation=shapefunction resultdatatypes={Grid Temperatures} resultdatacomps={Scalar value} resultloadcases={1 2}
Realize field field4 on all nodes having result file name as curve_shell_nastran.op2 for all load cases and time steps for temperature results:
*createmark nodes 1 all
*createstringarray 1 all
*realizeentity fields name={field3} targetentitytype=nodes mark=1 fieldtype=temperature interpolation=shapefunction resultdatatypes={Grid Temperatures} resultdatacomps={Scalar value} resultloadcases={1 1}
Realize field field5 for cyclic symmetry using cylindrical system 5 on all nodes having temperatures by using value from file and source is of current model:
*createmark nodes 1 all
*realizeentity fields name={field5} targetentitytype=nodes mark=1 fieldtype=temperature interpolation=shapefunction cyclicsytem=5